As we mark Apollo 11’s 50th anniversary, a central truth stands out. The race to the moon altered earthbound culture more profoundly than it advanced our spacefaring ambitions.
Author: Eric F. Frazier
How the Grump Stole July 4th!
Everybody in U-ville liked the Fourth quite a lot,
But the Grump in the White House, amused, he was not…
Electoral College Dropouts on the Rise
Fifteen states plus the District of Columbia have joined the National Popular Vote (NPV) interstate compact to replace the Electoral College’s winner-take-all system with “one person, one vote.”
Tiananmen at 30: From Censorship to Mass Surveillance
The ghosts of Tiananmen Square haunt China’s rulers, who have moved from censorship to mass surveillance to ensure that large public protests never recur.
Corrupt Leaders: Takes One to Know One
The power struggle in Venezuela offers a poignant reminder of why the United States cannot afford corrupt leaders in office.
Mars or Bust!
Beyond saving our species, I believe an effort to establish human habitats on Mars will help us save this planet and improve our lives here.
#colonizingMars #Mars #spaceexploration
Royally Skewed: Brits Don’t Get Our Constitution
Who could predict that a rap-infused musical about the American Revolution, Hamilton, would rise up concurrently with the Brexit crisis? Watching the spectacle of the British trying to extricate themselves from the European Union has been, for me, a source…
That Dog
They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I have no idea if that’s true, but I can say for sure that a new dog can teach an old guy a thing or two. I’m referring to myself,…
Who Belongs in America? A Memorial Day Answer
People of a certain stripe like to call themselves “real Americans.” By implication, anyone who doesn’t share their ideology is not. Counting people as second-class citizens for their thoughts—political viewpoint, religious tradition, sexual orientation—is bad enough, but some “real Americans”…
Facebook Quiz: What Kind of Fool Am I?
Every time I click “Accept” or “Agree” on one of those software end-user license agreements, I feel like a schnook. That’s Yiddish for a person who is gullible or easily cheated. (One Yiddish word generally outworks half a dozen English…