recently published my article, “Baby Boomer Retirement: Avoid a Senior Moment in Your Business.”
An estimated 10,000 baby boomers retire each day in the United States, a trend that will continue for the next couple of decades. These senior workers typically occupy key positions, possess extensive institutional memory and have built important networks among colleagues and clients.
Rapid loss of senior talent has been called the Baby Boomer Brain Drain, and many organizations risk “forgetting” important aspects of how to conduct their business. One of the most thorough yet concise explanations of Baby Boomer Brain Drain I have found is an infographic on the blog site for the online MBA degree program at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Kenan Flagler Business School.
My article summarizes the key steps you can take to avoid this dilemma by proactively facilitating knowledge transfer from baby boomers to younger staffers.